Photo enforcement technology -- evidence supporting its eff

This includes all CCD and CMOS security cameras, infra-red, vandalproof, standard, dome, pin-hole, to name just a few.
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Photo enforcement technology -- evidence supporting its eff

Post: # 1335Post admin
Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:53 am

Proponents of photo enforcement technology claim that it has proven to be very effective at reducing traffic accidents and injuries in the locations where it has been implemented. This article discusses the evidence supporting this claim of effectiveness and the benefits that can be attributed to the use of photo enforcement devices. 0308 cat0 3174


Source: Video Surveillance Equipment, Security Cameras & CCTV Systems Guide
Extensive collection of articles on everything you need to know about video surveillance equipment, CCTV cameras, biometrics and wireless security systems for business and personal use.

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