What you need to know about camera cell phones and your rig

This includes all CCD and CMOS security cameras, infra-red, vandalproof, standard, dome, pin-hole, to name just a few.
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What you need to know about camera cell phones and your rig

Post: # 146Post admin
Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:13 am

You're trying on clothes, paying for groceries, changing in your gym locker room -- all public places and all places where you might see someone with a cell phone. But is it a cell phone or is it a camera phone? We're so accustomed to seeing these in public that it's easy not to realize that a regular phone could be invading your right to privacy. 0905 cat0 3051


Source: Video Surveillance Equipment, CCTV Cameras & Security Systems Guide
Extensive collection of articles on everything you need to know about video surveillance equipment, CCTV cameras, biometrics and wireless security systems for business and personal use.

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